The ICC Mission
As the international governing body for cricket, the International Cricket Council will lead by:
* Promoting and protecting the game, and its unique spirit
* Delivering outstanding, memorable events
* Providing excellent service to Members and stakeholders
* Optimising its commercial rights and properties for the benefit of its Members
Vision of Success
As a leading global sport cricket will captivate and inspire people of every age, gender, background and ability while building bridges between continents, countries and communities.
* Openness, honesty and integrity
work to the highest ethical standards.
* Excellence
Cricket's players and supporters deserve the best. It is the duty to set the highest standards.
* Accountability and responsibility
Take responsibility for leading and protecting the game. Provide outstanding service to stakeholders. If others are harming the game we take necessary action.
* Commitment to the game
Care for cricket. Everything and every decision ICC make is motivated by a desire to serve the game better.
* Respect for diversity
ICC an international organisation with a global focus and act at all times without prejudice, fear or favour.
* Fairness and equity
They are fair, just and utterly impartial.
* Working as a team
Like a cricket team icc have different skills and strengths. By working together with unity of purpose we maximise the effectiveness of icc assets.